Every Wednesday at 8pm BSARS runs a net on a local repeater GB3ES:-
2M (RV54) Output frequency: 145.6750 MHz RX Frequency: 145.0750 MHz
Analogue Voice with CTCSS: 103.5 Hz.
Please feel free to join in.
Club members take turns to run the net, be gentle with them as some have not done this before but are willing to give it a go.
Wednesday 15th January 2025.
A total of 9 callsigns joined the net this week. A M7ABX Russ from Ipswitch called just into the repeater during skip conditions for a few minutes before the hour and then the net carried on to about 9:20.
Vairious subjects where covered including Milling machines, Whats app, DMR and Brickworks.