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Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society.
Est. Jan. 2005

The society shall be known as the Brede Steam Amateur Radio Society.

The aim of the society shall be to further the interests of its members in all aspects of amateur radio and directly associated activities.

Membership shall be open, subject to the discretion of the Committee, to all persons interested in the aims of the society.
Full members: Full members must be 18 years of age or over.
Student members: Student members must be under 25 years of age and in full-time formal education.
Honorary members: Honorary Life Membership may be granted to any person, who, in the opinion of the Committee, has rendered outstanding service to the Society, either directly or indirectly. Such membership shall carry the rights of full membership but shall be free of subscription.

Members may invite guests to meetings. Visitors may attend up to three meetings in each year, after which paid membership is required.

Code of Conduct
The society shall establish and maintain a code of conduct that outlines the expected behaviour and ethical standards for all members. The code of conduct shall be considered an integral part of this constitution.
All members shall abide by the constitution of the society. The Committee shall have the power to expel any member whose conduct, in the opinion of more than 50% of the full Committee, renders that person unfit to be a member of the society. No member shall be expelled without first having been given an opportunity to appear before the Committee.

Electronic Access
The Society has recognised the importance of providing convenient and secure access to its club room for its members. To Achieve this the Society has implemented an electronic access system via a mobile app or where necessary a keycard or fob, to enable members to enter the club room.

Health and Safety Considerations
In consideration of health and safety concerns, access to the club room through the electronic app shall require the presence of a minimum of two or more adults simultaneously (except for the members of the Committee who may access the club room individually when required). This provision is designed to ensure that members are not alone in the club room, thereby enhancing safety and reducing any potential risks.

Compliance and Monitoring
Members are expected to comply with the access guidelines and any relevant safety protocols. The Committee will monitor the use of the electronic access system to ensure its proper functioning and adherence to the established guidelines
Response to Health and Safety Concerns
If a member fails to adhere to the health and safety guidelines for electronic access to the club room, appropriate measures will be taken. These measures aim to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being.

The effectiveness and safety of the electronic access system, the two-person access requirement (with the exception for committee members), and the consequence measures shall be periodically reviewed by the Committee. Any necessary adjustments or improvements shall be considered and implemented to ensure the continued well-being of the Society’s members.

CCTV Monitoring for Security
To enhance the security and safety of our club room and its members, the Society will employ Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance. The use of CCTV will be to the club room and entrances, aiming to deter potential security risks and provide a means of reviewing incidents when necessary. The collected footage shall be handled responsibly, in accordance with privacy regulations, and its access shall be limited to authorized personnel. The implementation of CCTV will be conducted transparently, with due consideration for members’ privacy and the overall well-being of the Society.

The Committee shall set the annual subscriptions for membership.
All subscriptions shall be due and payable at the beginning of the financial year. Subscriptions are due at or before the AGM
The financial year shall run from AGM to AGM.
The Committee shall have the power to waive or reduce subscriptions in special circumstances until the next AGM.

The money received by the society shall be promptly deposited in the Society’s bank account. Withdrawals are to be agreed with the committee and notification/consultation with the Treasurer.

Membership of the Society’s Committee
The Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting shall administer the Society’s affairs. The Committee in whom the Society’s property shall be vested, shall consist of:

A Chair
who, will preside at all meetings at which he is present.

A Secretary
who will be responsible for;
Keeping the minutes of all meetings of the Society.
Ensuring that all correspondence is correctly handled.
Maintaining a master roll of members and honorary members.
Maintaining a register of the Society’s equipment.
Updating the RSGB club section.

who will be responsible for;
Keeping the Society’s accounts.
Advising the Committee on all financial matters.
Preparing the accounts for audit and presenting them at the AGM.

Contest/Special Events Manager
Shall be responsible for co-ordinating contest and organising special event stations including obtaining permission to operate from the site and obtaining the required special event call signs

QSL Manager
Shall be responsible for the receipt of all QSL cards and sending of Club/Special event QSL cards as well as maintain the E-QSL database.

Publicity Manger
Shall be responsible for composing reports and sending them out for publication. Thus, promoting the club and Amateur Radio.

Co-Opted Members
Not more than two co-opted members who have full voting powers.

Committee standing orders
The quorum for Committee meetings shall be three quarters. In the absence of a quorum, business may be dealt with but any decisions taken only become valid after ratification at the next meeting at which a quorum exists.
Any Committee member may call a committee meeting.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM shall normally be held in April of each year.
At least 21 days notice shall be given to each member in writing or via email.
The quorum of the meeting shall be one quarter of the voting members.
The agenda of the meeting shall be
Apologies for absence
Minutes of the previous meeting
Chair’s report
Secretary’s report
Treasurer’s report
Election of the new Committee
Election of auditors
Any other business

Items 1 to 5 shall be chaired by the outgoing Chair, item 6 by an acting Chair who is not standing for election to office, and the remaining business by the newly elected Chair.
Nominations for Committee members will only be valid if confirmed by the nominee at the meeting or previously in writing.

Extraordinary General Meeting

Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by the Committee, or not less than 3 members of the Society, the date of the meeting being the earliest convenient as decided by the Committee.
Reasonable notice by email must be given to the Secretary, who in turn shall give members at least 14 days’ notice by email of the agenda. No other business may be transacted at the EGM.
The quorum for an EGM shall be at least one quarter of the voting membership.

Amendments to the constitution

The constitution may be amended only at an EGM called for that purpose.

Winding up of the Society

The decision to wind up the Society may be taken only at an EGM.
The funds of the Society shall, after the sale of all assets and the payment of all outstanding debts, be disposed of as directed by the members at the final EGM.

This Constitution was passed by the club members present at the EGM held on Tuesday 22nd August 2023
Total members present 14
Total members voted in favour 14